She pulled her tooth!!

On our way back from Fort Smith this weekend. Khloe yelled,”Mom!!” I jumped because it scared me and said “What!?!” ( thinking She saw something in the road that I missed). She said “I’m about to pull my tooth.” I said “No, wait till we get home, we are only 15 minutes away.” It was quiet for about 30 seconds and she says…..”I got it!!” …. Then started crying. I asked why she was crying and she said “because I am just SO excited.” I laughed and told her how proud I was of her for being so brave and pulling it on her own and the we called her dad who was was very proud of her too. After we got off the phone with her dad we called all of her grandparents and they were all proud of her too. The tooth fairy left her $3 and Nonnie and Papa drove all the way from Van Buren the next day to bring her and Kylie a card each with $10 in them. We went to the dollar store and got lots of goodies. She is growing so fast and she is so brave.




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