Growing too fast

Today Facebook showed me a memory from 3 years ago. It was the picture above. My babies were 5 months old and 3 and a 1/2. It seems like just yesterday I brought Khloe (my oldest home). They are growing so fast and it seems like every time I blink they are so much bigger and smarter than before I blinked. I am here with them every single day but some how it seems like I’m missing it, I drop them off to school, go school myself, work, pick them up from school, come home, cook, clean, do homework with Khloe and work on colors and numbers with Kylie then its time for bath and bedtime bible reading. There seems to be no time to slow down and just see how amazing these two precious girls are. Sometimes it feels like they and time are slipping right through my fingers.

Look how much they have grown in just 3 short years. In 3 more years I will be done with my degree and they will be 6 and 9. I hope they see how all this hard work is actually for them and they know how much I love them.



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